Wednesday, January 5, 2011

It's hard to be Mommy.

I know this is a way attractive picture haha but my week of being a mommy began with me leaving dear old Arkansas (and i'll have to blog about that week sometime.. later) Please notice with me the grass outside not containing snow. Sigh. I drove to the Little rock airport and eventually made it to Mormonville after spending 8 hours on a plane or in an airport on Christmas day. Sigh.

But then I got to babysit these wonderful kids for a whole week while their parents were in Cancun! Tyler, Sam, and Jess. Their my cousins and seriously the best kids in the world! We got to do all kinds of things like go to movies, shop at the mall..

Make awesome soap beards and turn the water blue at bath time..

play in the snow A LOT. I didn't do much playing because I was sick with allergies most of the week. .

and we got to spend New Years at their Grandma's house with the whole family. It was a great week :)

Now I'm back in cold Rexburg watching the snow come down out my window, in mine and Hailey's newly decorated and homified (new word) room. And I already got my first class of the new semester down!


The Spradlin Family said...

Thank you for being a mommy to my kids last week. You did a great job and they loved every second of it! You being here made it easier to leave them, and helped us to have a great trip. Being a mommy is hard, but it's the most rewarding thing I can think of! THANK YOU AGAIN!!!