Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 2

Day 2: A picture of you and the person you have been close with for the longest

My amazing brother Cody Biff Duke! This picture is from his farewell party almost 18 months ago. We are so close and he is such a great missionary. He actually just sent a letter to my roommate that said "How is Kaylee doing? We go way back, all of her life actually." haha he's a goof and I love him!
I remember always staying in his room for christmas eve and easter eve.
I remember driving to siminary together, listening to classic rock, getting a flat tire, and walking home.
I remember getting in a car wreck on the way to school.
I remember sitting on his bed singing hymn's together till late at night.
I remember the night before he left for England we ran to walmart for ducktape and plugin adaptors and goofing around till mom had to call for us to come home so she could spend time with him his last night here.
I remember going to prom together with our dates.
I remember when he helped me do 100 pushups and i didn't think i could do it but he pushed me.
I couldn't have asked for a better big brother or best friend :)


Unknown said...

aw, such a sweet post! I'm sure he misses you so much. I can't believe he's already been gone 18 months. The time seems to be going so fast!