So today is January 1st 2011! All of the sudden i feel sooo old.
A lot of awesome things are gonna happen in 2011:
-My baby sister is turning 12 and is going to be in Young Women's!
-Dallin is gonna be able to officially date! (Scary)
They're both taller than me now!
-I'll be finishing my sophomore year of college!
-I'm gonna be turning 20! (no longer a teenager baby!)
-Joey's 1 year of being out on his mission in May (half way done! that blows my mind!)
From my HS graduation. I don't know why I picked such an old picture
-Cody, my big brother and best friend, comes home from his mission!!!!!!!!!!! in September
Skyping with Cody on Christmas!
-I start my JUNIOR year of college! (crazy!)
I'm sure a lot more will happen than just that and I can not wait until it does! This is gonna be a great year I can feel it!
It is that time again when everybody makes their lame New Year's Resolutions and then after 3 weeks (maybe) of being strong and holding true to whatever they choose to make themselves better they always go back to their old ways....
Well this year I am going to be as lame as the rest of them and make some resolutions for myself.
-I will FINISH the Book of Mormon in 2011! It's taken me 20 years to do it but I will do it dadgumit! Even though I am in a New Testament class this semester (which I'm soo excited for!) and will be busy reading out of the New Testament too.
- and of course I have the same resolution that everyone else has to "lose weight." I'm not really concerned with the numbers and actually losing weight I just want to get a good workout schedule going and eat healthier (not Ramon or frozen pizza every day lol)
- This semester I am going to find a job in Rexburg (wish me luck!) and not have any grades lower than a B+!
What are your resolutions?
I love when you post!
I think I'm going to do a resolution post, too!
Miss you and hope you're having fun being momma for a week :)
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