Friday, November 12, 2010

story of a poor college kid..

Necessities of a poor college student..

  1. Chocolate chips (that was a crazy spurge)
  2. Flour (for the occasional pumpkin pie making adventure and homemade mac & cheese)
  3. Can of tuna (notice the can of spaghetti sauce underneath and i have no spaghetti)
  4. Soup (for those cold winter days.. which is every day)
  5. Kool-aid (a must!)
  6. Cheese Nips (gets me through the day)
  7. Ramon (i forgot to label it. I eat this for dinner probably 4 days a week)
  8. bread (sandwiches everyday for lunch)
  9. Peanut butter (by the spoonful)
  10. and Garlic Salt (for the special occasions that I actually eat meat)

What's in your cabinet?


Unknown said...

"Soup (for those cold winter days.. which is every day)"

Haha, poor Kaylee! See, this is why you get a meal plan. No one should have to eat that much!

I enjoyed our lunch date :)