This is a card that missionaries use. I keep it tucked into my bible. If you would like, please take the time to go through the 17 points and the verses that go with them, to help you understand a little more about me and my church!
Several years ago, right after world war 2, 5 men in college got together searching for points that Christ's church a "true church" should have. These men who did not have a religion of their own at the time searched the Old and New Testament to find what would make up the true church. They came up with 17 points. After college they lost touch, but years later came to realize that each one of them had joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints separately.
This is my church :) and I wanted to share this showing what and why I believe to be true that I do.
1. Christ organized the Church. Eph. 4:11-14
2. The true church must bear the name of Jesus Christ. Eph. 5:23
3. The true church must have a foundation of Apostles and Prophets. Eph. 2:19-20
4. The true church mush have the same organization as Christ's Church.
Eph. 4:11-14
5. The true church must claim divine authority. Heb. 5:4-10
6. The true church must have no paid ministry. Isa. 45:13 and 1 Peter 5:2
7. The true church must baptize by immersion. Matt. 3:13-16
8. The true church must bestow the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands. Acts 8:14-17
9. The true church must practice divine healing. Mark 3:13-16
10. The true church must teach that God and Jesus Christ are separate and distinct indiviuals. John 17: 11 and John 20:17
11. The true curch must teach that God and Jesus Christ have bodies of flesh and bone. Luke 24: 36-39 and Acts 1:9-11
12. The officers must be called by God. Heb. 5:4, Exodus 28:1, Exodus 40: 13-16
13. The true church must claim revelation from God. Amos 3:7
14. The true church must be a missionary church. Matt. 28:19-20
15. The true church must be a restored church. Acts 3: 19-20
16. The true church must practice baptism for the dead. 1 Cor. 15:16 and 29
17. By their fruits ye shall know them. Matt 7:20
Why are these things important? Hebrews 13:8
My beliefs are something that is very close to my heart. It is one of the most discriminated religions, sometimes that hurts but I would never change. I know everything I am taught is the truth! :) I know God is a loving, unchanging God and I am a DAUGHTER OF GOD!
And don't you ever forget that!
All wonderful things! Those are my church's beliefs, too, and I'm not even Mormon.
Well, some of them! haha
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